Building a web design empire Aimiyo LTD Plastic Surgeon Hawaii Doctor808

Dr. Michael Pasquale CEO AiMIYO LTD

Well I have been exceptionally busy over these holidays with some business issues other than Plastic Surgery. The office has been closed which has given me some time to put into my web development business personally rather than delegate. As many of you know and as my title of this blog states I am web designer and Internet geek. The team I have assembled and our web company is very unique. From the start we decided one of our area of expertise would be multilingual web sites. I would also add another important point which is that we believe that multilingual is not enough. A translation of a web page is not enough   because what is a web site  but a sales and marketing doorway. Even if the company we represent is not a classical sales of products type company,  it is still about sales. This means any company wants the web site we build to represent them in a most positive light. So in that sense it is selling an image to the viewer.

As I mentioned, multicultural- not simply translation of language. So what I mean by that is when we put a companies words into another language we do not just translate the words , but make the cultural message adjust to our audience as well. This is very important because the sensibilities of the Chinese for example , may not be the same as the French so the way material is presented may change , not just the words.

When we design a web site for different languages  our company AiMiYo LTD has the translation staff and the design staff from the culture (country ) on board with us  as a team approach. This multilingual, multicultural team is what makes our web sites different I believe. Please follow us as this grows. We are now building our new company web site at for english, and in Japanese at We will be adding languages over the next year such as Chinese , Korean , French and other  European languages as well.

Until next time


About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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