Halloween in Waikiki —Doctor808 avoids this year ! Plastic Surgery Staff Dinner Small

Last year I went to Halloween in Waikiki. I was dressed as some sort of self described witch doctor. I am sorry I have no photos of that. I was with a Witch and a Harajuku girl and some normal male. If you have never been to Honolulu on Halloween you have missed a sight to see. The only place I have been which is more out control is Las Vegas on New Years eve.

The main drag in Waikiki is filled with…… well crazy people. So this year I decided to avoid that all together.

To give you and idea of the sights you may see I borrowed these photos from a blog called photolulu.com which I discovered.



At any rate you can find these type photos all over the internet if your interested. Just take my word for it Waikai on Halloween is out of control and is not for the weak hearted.


If you like this type of madness then this is the place for you.

Greenwhich Village in New York City may rival this scene but I must say having attended both I think Waikiki wins the contest.

As I stated I decided simply to have a quite evening as far away from the Saturday night madness as possible. So a few of my staff members Zak, Kiyoko, Amber and myself went to Zaks apartment. We each brought some nice food and consumed and excellent Italian meal with wine. The great thing about the evening was very quite conversation and a few laughs with my close staff members. It was fun and light entertainment.

Zack is well , Zack as he says and a very good host. He makes a very good speghetti suace and I brought some Italian Chicken which I make which everyone enjoys. Well this was nice for me as I had been up all night in the emergency room. I still take emergency calls at the Queens Hospital and this was my call so I had to go in  for a few emergencies. Why I do this as I am not required but I do it still. Seems doctors should do this so I do it.

Back to the dinner. We consumed two bottles of nice red wine , cheeses of two types and spegehtti with my italian style chicken breast.

the famous host zack and k

the famous host zack and k

Yes that is a whole foods paper bag there . Kinda cliche I suppose but they do have the best cheese. The red things are persimmons not tomatoes.

K of course who is a cheese lover is eating that.

Then for the main course.

Quite Evening on Halloween

Quite Evening on Halloween

Italian Chicken by doctor808, spaghetti by the Zack and cheese by Kiyoko. A great combination for a plastic surgeons office.

Well my mission was accomplished and I avoided this year the Mad House called Waikiki on Halloween. Maybe next year I will go down there and dress as something like an old plastic surgeon.

Well Monday will be back to the usual. We have a few cases to perform before my trip. Sunday I was planning on surfing but had to prepare the lecture for China on face lifts. We have made a very nice video of the surgical technique I use for face lifting.  This technique has become my standard after about 20 years of trying various techniques. However I always modify my technique to the individual face.

You can learn much more about face lift and facial appearance on my web site devoted to that. You can find that on my facial web site.

Well wishing my readers a quite Halloween until next post……


About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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