How many people do you know who save 1,000,000 lives or more a year?

Excellent Italian Food was made by Miguel

Well tonight I went to a very interesting dinner party. It was with regard to the Cancer Center at the University of Hawaii held at one the Black Point homes of one of the leading cancer center researchers. My good friend and fellow Italian Miguel and his wife Elizabeth. It was a very nice party for me because it had authentic Italian food cooked by Miguel !

This was only part of the treats of the evening, we had fine wine and great conversations with some of the University guest either Doctors, organizers , bankers and significant others. All brought together to honor one of the men of science who contributed greatly to world health and people associated with an institution who shows great potential to contribute to the health of mankind.

What we have is the potential , that is what will be the future-cancer cures and proof in the flesh that science can and has made our world significantly better.

On the one hand the University of Hawaii Cancer Center may be on the verge of the next great breakthrough to cure cancer and on the other we have the Man who won a Nobel prize for his contribution to science. The one I am speaking about is Dr. Blumberg who won a Nobel prize for both discovery of the virus and the cure which we call Hepatitis B. You can read about this mans remarkable achievement at the Nobel’w web site.,

I was very greedy at this party and after the speech by our host and the president of the University of Hawaii I stole him and occupied all his time. It was a fascinating talk about his discovery , his life and he gave me very good advice on life. He said that I should be more of an optimist about the future as I admittedly am somewhat of a cynic. We spoke of Jefferson, Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin for some hours along with to my surprise Ayn Rand author of the Virtue of Selfishness and Atlas Shrugged.  This talk went on for a while and it was unusual in that he spoke as knowledgeable about Ayn Rand as anyone I have ever spoke with before. Most people I know have no idea who she was or the philosophy she put forth. Ah then I discovered he is not only a scientist but a philosopher in the official club for philosopher.  I was impressed with this amazing man.

Yet what thought humbled me the most was something Miguel said in his introduction of him. This man has saved at least a million lives a year since his discovery. I as a surgeon and as a surgeon in the past at war time could not have saved a million lives a year even if I operated 100 times a day and each operation was life saving. Yet Dr. Blumberg did and is still saving lives when his vaccine is administered to people who would other wise one day die of hepatitis or liver cancer. I am truly humbled.

Here is is picture and he is the gentleman to the left of me–truly amazing evening !!!

Myself and Dr. Blumberg Nobel Prize Winner

Well until next time


About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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