Lazy Saturday at my Hawaii Plastic Surgery Office

I usually work most Saturdays for one half a day.  Saturdays in Hawaii are good days. Mostly family day,  where the locals go to da beach and hang out eating lau lau or eating something else I do not like. After over 20 years here I am still such a Haole Boy.

So typically on Saturday,  as far as plastic surgery goes I see a few patients who are post procedure, and maybe a few new consults. Mainly Saturday is my catch up day from the busy week. I will look over patient charts, troubleshoot management issues. I will spend special time with staff to go over issues or train them the way I want. They learn from others many times in the practice and sometimes that means the wrong way. So Saturday is a good day to directly interact with my staff as their is less business to take care of and I have time.

A plastic surgeons office in Hawaii is a very interesting thing in that such a wide range of cultures and ethinic issues arise. We have Japanese from Japan, local Japanese, military from Texas , Vietnamese, Korean, British , Russian and on and on. Hawaii is like that and we as plastic surgeons we learn all the nuances of a multiplicity of cultures. This Saturday my receptionist was from main land china, other days my tech is from Japan, my other tech is Filipino and my other receptionist is Korean. This is required to deal with all the languages and cultural issues.

Today I spent teaching my newest receptionist who is from mainland china, she is smart so its easy. Saturday is generally a no surgery day so its easy., I saw all the patients myself and corrected some documentation. It was really a boring day…..but thats ok. I need that by Saturday in my plastic surgery office—now off to the gym.

About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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