My Mother and a Libertarian View Doctor808

Yes I have a Mother

Well like most people I have a mother. Simple fact. My mother is from North Carolina, she is a tar heal as they are called. Actually and oddly enough even though I think of myself as Italian as that is my strongest linage,  I also know the North Carolina side. My mother’s mother also know as Grandmother as well as nana was a typical southern bell. My grandfather was a woodsman, a hunter and salt of the earth type. No one was educated really until my generation. I became a “doctor” almost a foreign entity to my family, a plastic surgeon in Hawaii no less–how weird I am to them.

Mother 8 years ago when I took her to Vegas "I hate flying" was all she said.

They cope and are independant

My sister called me to tell me that my Mother was in the hospital recently , the last few years she had throat cancer and seems that she has some issues now with breathing. Well my sister lives with her and keeps in touch so I do not worry much. However,  if it was not for my sister I may not have known she is in the Hospital. Its not that I do not keep in touch with my mother, she is just kinda “tough and stubborn” which would be expected of true a North Carolina born bread individual. She actually told my sister not to tell me. Typical !

Moral of the story

So I called my mother in the hospital and she answered, “Hello Son” , “Hi Mom”…”why are you not in surgery?”. So from there the discussion went to everything but her illness. This I thought is typical of her generation. They went through hard times , delt with them and kept going.I compare that to today when many people use any excuse they can  to do get something for nothing, take no personal responsibility  and expect our government to help. I remember my days as a trauma surgeon in New York City when the healthiest most “well fed” people would call the ambulance to take them to the hospital. They would then choose the hospital they wanted to go and then arrive  get out and and go shopping at Macey’s down the street. Yes they would use the $1200.00 ambulance call as a simple taxi service. My mother on the other hand , my sister had force my mother to go to the hospital (‘which I cant afford” she said) when she simply was ready to die right there due to lack of oxygen. Such a contrast. Its no wonder we have become what we have today.


Well after talking with my mother while she was in the Hospital and realizing I will have to visit her soon,  I thought about today and the nature of America. We have changed and now have become something I did not grow up with. That is , dependance on others. Well that is the key concept of libertarianism–Independence. My real mother illustrates it well.

My Uncle Sam today does not nor does his nephews and nieces. They are all codependant unlike the libertarian view I hold.





About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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