On the road to Thailand–Muay Thai and web company time

I will board a plane for two days in Japan and then on to Thailand,  tomorrow. First , is the night of panic before I go, this is routine before I leave, according to my spouse. Did I make sure I have a doctor to cover my patients? Yes. Did I make sure I have no other obligations to take care of like some last minute paperwork? Yes. Do I have all my patient care duties taken care of and no one needs me?  Yes. What about staff –does everyone know what they are suppose to do while I am gone? hmmmm  maybe.

Muay Thai Fight Thailand

Muay Thai Fight Thailand



I have tickets , passport and laptop. I have clothes clean underwear and what I need for living. Ok i think I am ready .

Well what I need to do when I travel is three things

1. Learn new techniques or discuss old ones with plastic surgery colleagues in other parts of the world.

2. Spend time working online with my web development company, serveral meetings planned in Thailand to hire some new employees. 

3. Check out some new gyms for Muay Thai training and attend my regular gym in Thailand.


A cosmetic surgeon in Korea who does botox in chin "a chemical chin implant?"

A cosmetic surgeon in Korea who does botox in chin "a chemical chin implant?"

Many of my staff say well the doctor is on “vacation”. This is certainly not true , as all my travel is working time away from the office. I own a web development company so I spend much of my time meeting with people about this. I spend  time planning , catching up on company emails, with clients and our company employees around the world.  The techniques I learn about I bring back to my practice such as the one I learned from the above Korean cosmetic surgeon which is to place a small amount of botox in the mentalis muscles which relaxes it can gives the appearance of a larger chin. Thus a “chemical chin implant” . So these journeys are always helpful to my patients here in Hawaii.

Crowded Streets from High Rise View

Crowded Streets from High Rise View

This journey will be a little different in that I will write about my travel in detail on this blog and perhaps it can be if some use to other travelers. The secret to good travel in my mind is to continue learning and what i do most days here in Hawaii only in a different location. You become refreshed and your mind is stimulated. I suppose others take the complete vacation , get away approach to travel but somehow I have never been able to do that, I start to feel guilty i suppose. My way to travel works for me. 

Well now I have last minute things to get done as I leave in less than 15 hours. I will let you know as I go along.

doctor 808

About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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