Swine Flu in Hawaii? This plastic surgeons hopes not, but here is scoop.

Swine Flu  is a serious disease and authorities are worried about its spread in the United States. The reason is that as of this writing there have been already reported 150 deaths in Mexico. Here in Hawaii there has not been a reported case yet.  However there has been at least one reported death in the USA.

A flu epidemic is caused by a virus which is spread typically by person to person contact. Sneezing, coughing and spread by air , are the usual methods.  It also can be picked up on door knobs if touched right after someone contagious has spread the droplets there for example. In the case of swine flu the virus has made the jump from pigs to humans and the DNA has become mixed up. There was not thought to be a spread of the virus beyond 3 successive people but now that has been dismissed. 

For a more detailed description of the swine flu check this out CDC SWINE FLU report from CDC.

As a Plastic Surgeon in Hawaii,  I do get reports from the local health department and there have not been any reported cases here,  but caution is advised. Hawaii has a lot of incoming visitors as it is a vacation paradise. At my clinic we come in contact with a lot of people and we take extreme precautions not to contribute to the spread of virus or any germs. I have not decided yet but I am considering carefully,  to mandate wearing of mask by staff when in contact with public. Its a balance of saftey and giving the appearance of friendliness that I try to maintain from my staff.

Any of my plastic surgery staff who is sneezing, coughing or shows signs of illness will either be sent home or at a minimum wear a surgical mask. We are tight knit group and everyone is concerned about saftey for our patients and ourselves. 

What can you do to prevent swine flu or any other cold or flu? Well common sense is the first order of business. That  is stay away from where there are reported cases if possible. Next when traveling especially by air or any other cramped condition wear a surgical mass. It may look funny or feel odd,  but better than being ill. Vitamin C of course is always a good overall immune system booster, I take 1 gram a day but that is not advice to you as that can cause diarrhea unless you build up to it slowly. Any medical suggestions here are not my advice to you as a doctor,as that would require a lot more knowledge of you , but you can ask your doctor his opinion. Wash your hands frequently , you may want to aquire a hand sanitation agent.

There are surgical mask commonly seen being worn by people in travel through airports and very common is Asia due to avian flu. I think now is the time to consider such precautions although it is not known how effective. Personally I think its a good step to take.

You can obtain surgical mask here:

About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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