A few thoughts about travel to other countries for Plastic Surgery


Well the recent troubles with Ushers wife going to Brazil and having a cardiac arrest make this a very topical topic. Many people travel to places other than their home towns to have  procedures. Here in Hawaii I have spoken to many patients who come to my office after travel for cosmetic procdures. Some go to Korea, Thailand and other parts of Asia. Recently a woman told me she was going to Mexico to have the procedure we discussed at half the cost. 

Basically there are good plastic surgeons all over the world which is not the problem. You can find good surgeons in Mexico or in any of the other countries I mention no doubt. The problem is when there is some difficulty. Not only are you miles away from family or any support, but the money you would have saved now is lost  and most likely has become so much more than the original cost quoted locally.

What comes to mind was doctor and her husband who went to Brazil to have the LASIk procedure done to correct some vision problem. She and her husband both had the procedure at a substantially reduced cost,  than they would have in the States. Yet she had a problem after surgery which she had to travel to London eventually to correct. As london indeed had the only expert in her problem. Although she saved money with the initial surgery it cost her over 8 times more and she is still receiving treatment.

This story has been repeated many times in my practice a girl who traveled to Thailand who had some rubber unknown sack used as a breast implant which I took out for example. She wasted her money. Even when people have quality plastic surgery done away from home if they have a problem they have to fly back to the place which cost additional money.  It can work but dont think you will save in long run , the numbers do not work out.

I have patients fly in to see me as well. Yet we require them to stay till everything is ok. Even then we tell them that if they are from Japan for example  we may have a doctor they can see there,  but it may require a plane trip back to Hawaii. Its not that I condemn the practice,  but I want to make sure they are appraised of the risk and know that in long run saving money will not be one of the benefits.

Well these are some of my thoughts Summary: You can fly far away to have plastic surgery and it may be good idea if you find the right surgeon. Yet do not think you will save money and you best be able to be prepared if something goes wrong to pay extra. The only reason I can see to take this risk is that you are traveling for special expertise. You pay for that, so going for cheap is not a good reason.


About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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