Doctor808 started Japanese class today

Well today was the first formal Japanese class I have ever taken. I have studied on my own for a few years and learned a little yet i finally decided to truly discipline myself and take formal training. I had to tell my Muay Thai Kru , that I would not make training on Tuesday and Thursday but promised him to do other training those days. He nodded his tacit approval……I am not sure what that means yet.

Michael san wa gakusei desu

Michael san wa gakusei desu



Well the class is made up of 5 individuals who all seem very interested in this study. There is the young business man, the filipino gal and another white guy who I am not sure what he does yet. The most interesting fellow is the pony tailed rastiferin looking chap. As these characters develop I will let you know. 

The first class was easy for me as I have learned most of this of this by self teaching. There were a few words I needed clarification on pronoucing. The teacher helped me with that. However I will forget within a few hours as these words are appareently blocked in my brain from learning. Why I am not sure but they appear so.  The first word is ” Oyasuminasai” which is the romanji spelling in japanese  of  english  “good night”.

Oyasuminasai for some reason is one of my blocking words which I can never pronounce correctly it seems. I try it slowly Oya-sum-in-a sai but maybe its Oya-su-mina-sai.  I dont know, it drives me crazy it could be Oy-as-um -in -sai, I listen to the tape many times slowly dissecting what they are saying and trying to mimic the way they pronounce it. I always end in failure it seems.

Oyasuminsai– I try to say it quick and that seems best,  because no one can hear my bad pronunciation that way. I have tried that with my japanese friends so  I know that it works. The problem is I have many blocking words—another one is “okaerinasai” this means welcome home. I cant spell it in romanji sometimes so I make up my own pronunciation. Thats stupid but unless I have someone around to correct me I do it!!!

Well now I must study so all I can say is Oyasuminasai

About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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