Antiaging Eating Healthy for you Skin/Youth ! –Doctor808 Plastic Surgeon Hawaii

Does your skin look as good as it should ?

Great Youthfull SkinSkin and appearance is my business , though I tend to focus on the structure, anatomy and the actual surgical techniques, or procedures like Botox etc.  Appearance can be defined not just by the size of the breast so to speak,  but by an appearance of over all health which is what lately I have been focusing on. As I move into a phase of my career where I am doing more anti aging surgery and procedures than in the past.  I have taken careful note of what makes a person look younger. This type of plastic surgery is lot different than the increase the Breast Size or the liposuction to reduce the love handles which are typical of younger patients. There is one component which is as important as the outline of the body, its the health of the skin and its youthful appearance or not. Does your skin look as good as it can?

Anti Aging Plastic Surgery

Anti-aging procedures  in some way are a lot more challenging,  perhaps I have been known for my body cosmetic procedures earlier in my career. I was the guy who does the great “boobs”. Yet as my patient population ages I have studied this more in the last few years. Now I feel I am moving into the art of this aspect of plastic surgery. I have come to learn that its not just about pulling the skin tighter which leads to an overdone look like one sees at times on Hollywood stars. What i have to come to find is that much of what makes a person looks younger is not just tight skin. In fact that may be the least of the factors. Proper volume in the face, as example did you ever notice that heavy people with a chubby face look younger ? Well that is what I have discovered as I have added fat transfer to the face to my face lifts. It also creates a more glowing skin which may be do to the  transfer of stem cells (regenerative cells) with the harvested fat. This I have written about before and will again.


Yet another factor is a persons diet which like proper exercise is key to healthy skin. Fresh vegetables  that are steamed are  better than the oil fried or boiled ,  yet either way one obtains the proper fiber vegetable goodness ! As for all I read about one needs the vitamins —–well I am skeptical as modern vitamin pills work just fine in my view. No vegetable will give you 1 gram of Vitamin C for example. Yet more important is to make sure you are consistent, not just eat good 3 days a week and then the rest turn to junk food. I have seen skin improve in my clients very well with such things as fish oil supplementation and other dietary measures. I am not going to give  a detailed discussion on the various research reports and controversy, I just remind y0u that you are what you eat. So think about it each day if you want to obtain maximum youthful appearance. Study the blogs and learn as much as you can about good diet, My point is not to be your dietician but to encourage you to be your own. It really helps.

My Diet

My diet includes a protein drink (50 grams) in the morning, a vitamin regiment and I try to eat things that are simply good , fresh and healthy. I stated in my Facebook recently for example I have been eating at Shabu Shabu House lately a couple of times a month. The reason is its high quality and very fresh Shabu Shabu style food. Vegetables, Meat which is cooked lightly in water with great sauces. Also,  I have increased my fish intake which is cooked lightly not fried and has high protein with little fat.  This an other dietary changes have made my skin change and looks better these days. Try it yourself. I do eat a lot of meat which many people preach against but we are not herbivores in my view basically. True or not I need the high protein to maintain muscle. So do think about your diet and really try to maintain that.

Procedures for skin

Well I am a plastic surgeon which generally are technology based. If every one ate right , avoid the sun and did all they could to make for good healthy appearing skin then the technology part of my practice would not be needed. Yet this is not the case. People abuse their skin maybe not intentionally but they do. Here is Hawaii its clearly a great State to maximize sun damage to your skin. This leads to dark spots, premature aging early skin cancer but either give up surfing or deal with it. What can you do?

Well Laser resurfacing does work to reverse some of the changes is one example of technology. Another is chemical peels which can do well getting rid of the sunspots and dark spots as well. These are just some example of technology that help that we have in my practice.  Yet the basics of diet and good healthy food are the priority. In the coming months I will elaborate on some of these comments and show some very interesting photos on our new web site about these brief introductory concepts for skin appearance.
















About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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