Plastic Surgery Hawaii Smart Lipo-dumb consumer an editorial

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Pasquale

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Pasquale

The latest buzz on the internet is Smart Lipo, or LASER Assisted Lipo which is a new fangled device where a small cannula is inserted through the skin and utilizes LASER technology to perform liposuction. Now as many of my patients know,  I am not one for “new fangled devices” having been in plastic surgery for twenty years. I have seen everything come and go ( mostly go). Check my web site

As example,  after the silicone breast implant hysteria about  15 years ago they developed “soy oil based breast implants ” which were actually used in England for a while. These new fangled devices were the latest, the greatest newest technology to use on patients as advanced plastic surgery technique. After all the soy (yes from soy beans) was ORGANIC so it must be good right? Well shortly after serveral patients reported the leaking of smelly rancid oil from their breast. How could this be? The latest greatest technology was used and it was NEW so must be better. Well the fact is , this was a poorly conceived idea, brought to you by marketing and latest greatest new fangled plastic surgery technique promoters. My point is simply the newest idea is not always the best idea. I approach all new plastic surgery technology with a very critical eye. Maybe I am jaded after many years of listening to every salesman in the world come in my door and tell me “Doc this will change your practice and you will be ahead of your peers!!!”. Yet for me expierence with a procedure or technology says it all and that is why I don’t jump on very new bandwagon. Salesman and marketing hype says nothing, but does show you someone wants to sell you a new product or technology for good or bad.

So I have some initial impressions I want to share after researching this new fangled procedure of Smart Lipo or any of the “me too” LASER Liposuction techniques. First what is this. Well according to one web site :

“SmartLipo is by far the best kind of liposuction available today. It is a method that offers the best results with less trauma and less downtime. It has a fast recovery time and the cost is very competitive.

SmartLipo uses laser technology to melt and liquefy the fat within the fat cells. In addition, it smoothes and tightens the skin to decrease the looseness that one sometimes sees with traditional liposuction. It can be utilized alone to treat smaller areas of fat, such as below the chin, or in combination with liposuction to remove larger areas of fat such as in the abdomen, flanks and thighs.”

In my analysis of this and knowing what liposuction really is in detail,  I have a few thoughts on this. First any web site that claims that something is the “BEST” as they do, is not medical advice but salesmanship. Plastic surgery be it liposuction or face lifting there is no such thing as “the best”. If there was truly the one and only “best” everyone would use that as plastic surgeons want the best. Its the same as those web sites that claim that transumbilical breast augmentation is the “best” procedure or this plastic surgeon is the “best” etc. To me this automatically tells me something is not right and I should look carefully and recoginze this all as marketing hype. Yes we all want to put our best face forward but come on “the best”.

Next I see a very key statement used: “It can be utilized alone to treat smaller areas of fat, such as below the chin, or in combination with liposuction to remove larger areas of fat such as in the abdomen, flanks and thighs” . Translation is simple, we can use Smart Lipo for very small area but we have to go back to traditional lipo for any area larger than under the chin or combine it.  That says it all. The great benifits they state such as quicker recovery time are nullified when you then have to combine it with traditional liposuction as the surgeon has to o over the same area with a regular liposuction technique. I actually spoke to a Smart lipo practioner recently and asked him as a peer what is the advantage of this then. I mean you take the smart lipo cannula and insert it and then imediately after that insert the traditional device so why in the world would you do that. Well he said “marketing and patients like that”. He then told me that the big advantage was that it does do some skin tightening under the chin in this small area it  can be used without combing it with traditional liposuctio technique.

Well to my way of thinking that seems reasonable under the chin,  but most patients need liposuction that I see in my Hawaii plastic surgery practice other areas such as the abdomen, flanks and thighs. So few patients need that I  cannot see buying an expensive machine to serve one small purpose maybe better. I suppose its a good idea for marketing —so you can say “Hey folks I have the latest greatest new fangled device” but I dont need that in my practice. People know me and know who I am which I try to have a consistent good quality reliable and ethical practice. I suppose if I was new surgeon and needed some gimmick to help my practice , maybe it would be worth it,  but I am not so for me ….its a no go at this point.

The problem with these newer technologies is that they have not been around for years and we really dont know yet all the effects. We do know with all the energy generating  liposuction devices they can burn the skin. Now Smart Lipo may be different, but the ultrasonic techniques ( we have treated complications of  this in the past ) were a energy generating in the form of  heat that could damage the skin and did in some cases. In the case of smart lipo the energy generated producing heat from the LASER is how the skin is tightened.

Patients write about this procedure , the Doctors who promote this procedure create the buzz around the internet. The smart lipo procedure is then a great marketing tool I suppose. Yet call me old fashion. I would have a plastic surgery procedure for result, proven safety and to do what I want it to,  not to have the  have the best marketing  as a consumer. Thats me.  As a doctor on the other hand maybe its good for their practice to be part of this buzz and brig in many patients.

Well these are some of my thoughts on this new fangled procedure. Its not that I am against anything new, its simply that I rather use traditional and proven technology which I have used for years and take a wait and see approach o the new stuff. As with the soy based breast implants, this  prooved to me the latest greatest and newest is not always the best. When something sounds too good to be true it probally is. So bottom line is do your research  and dont be a dumb consumer. Plastic surgery like any business is business which you need to be a smart comsumer with or without smart lipo.


About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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