Twitter and Plastic Surgery

I have been trying to find use for twitter which is the MicroBlog or semi instant messages service which people sign up for and send each other quick and short phrases. The web community sends a lot of messages about Internet stuff. Typically seo types send messages about their business and offer help on optimization of web sites. You click on the message called a tweet and it may take you to the persons twitter profile. From there you may click to a real web site or other information. It is somewhat but limited customizable. Others tweet back and forth personal messages about their lives” I just finished my second load of laundry” and other tid bits of info. Now who exactly is interested in that I am not sure but when I look at twiiter I see that type of thing all the time.

Well my purpose is to promote both our web site business and plastic surgery. So I am thinking about how to apply this media. I send some facts about plastic surgery sort of a factoid which may interest people like “breast augmentation by silicone is increasing dramatically” if they read this and are interested they can drill down to my web site eventually etc.  Other ideas are news blurbs about plastic surgery or maybe something interesting I have come across. I placed on the side of this blog a twitter widget which list some of my recent twits and you can follow my twits by clicking there as well.

Where this will all go I am not sure but it is interesting to try and figure how to use this in promotions or just fun. Recently I was following the twits from Bangkok when they had the political unrest which provided a new perspective as things happened. So I guess I had a ring side view from people on the streets of Bangkok.

More information can be found at .

About Michael Pasquale

Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale is one of Hawaii's top cosmetic plastic surgeons. Frequently an author of web information on plastic surgery, web development.
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