Stem cell training in California
Next week I go to California for some training in clinical stem cell treatments. We are setting up a stem cell lab here under an Institutional Research Review Board which I have been working on for some time. It is all based through a network of doctors in which I participate. We are going to follow strict protocols and record a lot of data.
Is it a stemcellrevolution coming ?
This network of Doctors have expertise in stem cell technology something patients until this time have had to travel far to obtain. So we will we bringing this network into Hawaii over the next few months. This technology is on the cutting edge of regenerative medicine. As far as I know we are the first ones to do this here clinically, though there has been quite a lot of basic research activity. This has been with the medical school and with such a company I have worked with in the past Tissue Genesis incorporated. They recently left my building for a new office. We provided fat samples for years to help them advance their techniques and studies. This was more for basic scientific research rather than the clinical patient treatment trials that I am participating in and will be providing. They are one of the many innovative companies which develop equipment and uses for stem cells.
We are primarily interested in use in cosmetic procedures and have had some experience with that previously, but now we are formalizing this under a clinical research protocol in which patients can participate. There will be other physicians I am recruiting and getting involved here such as neurosurgery and anesthesiology as well as other specialties needed here in Hawaii.
The lab is being set up in my present facility. The equipment arrived two weeks ago and we are making room and organizing this lab.
So what will we treat and how? Well there are many conditions which show promise with stem cell therapy. To list a few :
Orthopedics Cosmetic
- Neck Arthritis and Spine Disease Hair restoration
- Back Arthritis and Spine Disease Restoring Skin Elasticity and Youth
- Knee Problems Breast Conditions such as capsules
- Hip Problems Scar Appearance and conditions
- Elbow and Hand Problems Enhancing Fat Transfer as a filler
- Shoulder Problems
- Neurology
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Parkinson’s
- Muscular Dystrophy
- Stroke
There is actually a long list under study with the group, yet which conditions we will place in a trial here will depend on many factors —number one is patient safety. As to what conditions we will be treating here in Hawaii that has not been determined yet.
Strictly Non FDA approved.
These treatments are not FDA approved and as such we can make no promises or have patient testimonials from patients. If your interested in learning more I refer you to the groups web site located at : .
Not embryonic cells so not controversial
It is important to note that these are not embryonic stem cells, which we will not use and there are ethical and very controversial issues which arise. These stem cells are harvested from the patients on fat which I have used on many occasions in the past.
This brief introduction here is for informational use only not to be considered medical advise or will we enroll patients in for a trial for every disorder mentioned. That will be determined at the time of consultation.
We are presently working on a new web site for this area, but in the meantime please take a look at the –> FAQ <—section of our network’s web site.
The down side of this is that there have been many claims made by less than ethical health care providers to early on which basically made all types of claims taking advantage of some people with very sad disorders and through the internet have promoted these unfounded claims. So beware of something which sounds too good to be true. Although we have confidence that cellular therapies show great promise we are certainly not at the point we can promise unbelievable results. As far as that goes we never promise any results in any medical treatment as it is considered unethical.